Tips, Guides, and Adventures for Beginners and Experts

Discover the Fascinating World of Birds

Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just starting, we have something for everyone. Explore our bird identification guides, find the best birding hotspots in your area, and discover expert tips to enhance your bird-watching experience.

Bird Watching and Identification

Explore the world of bird watching with comprehensive guides on bird identification.

Creating Bird-Friendly Environments

Find inspiration for transforming your backyard into a haven for birds.

Bird Photography and Art

Dive into the art of capturing the beauty of birds through photography.

Birds on coastal rocks at sunset with waves crashing and a bird in flight against the sun.
Birds & Guides

Discover the Diverse Species of Beach Birds on Southern California Beaches

Figuring out the array of beach birds gracing Southern California’s shores can feel like piecing together a complex puzzle – believe me, I understand. Yet, through dedicated exploration and curiosity, I’ve unearthed some incredible details about these coastal avians. This…

Birds & Guides

Who Does the Bird Symbolize? Exploring the Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism of Birds

Who Does the Bird Symbolize? Exploring the Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism of Birds Have you ever caught yourself marveling at the sight of birds gliding effortlessly through the sky, and pondered what mysteries they hold in their wings? You’re not…

About Me

I’m Owen Featherstone, and I have a deep love for birds that knows no bounds. Armed with binoculars and a field notebook, I explore the world of avian wonders, seeking to understand their behaviors and stories. With every feathered encounter, I’m reminded of the intricate tapestry of life that surrounds us. Join me in celebrating the beauty and mysteries of our feathered friends. Contact me here!

Owen Featherstone with bird on shoulder

Owen Featherstone